So, the new season of Call Of Duty : Mobile a couple of weeks ago, and players are confused about which gun should be the best in Season 13 after the Akimbo Fennec and the HVK 30 got nerfed.

This article will give you all the info about the top 5 best guns to use inside of the game!

*Image credits to Jokesta*

#5 MAN - O - WAR

This eye-catching and amazing piece of machinery has the stats in the Assault Rifle category which is totally unparalleled. Its 2 shot and 3 shot range is absolutely nuts!

Man-O-War Stats:


                                                                                *Credits to Path.exe for the stats*

Being totally honest, all this gun has got is a high damage and range which makes it a long range killing machine. It doesn't work that great close-mid range Gunfights!

TTK and Ammunition:

                                                                                    *Credits to Path.exe for the stats*

The Man - O -War has a pretty slow fire rate and makes it a very slow gun and bad at close range. It also has less magazine size and high reload time and... with the recent nerf with the ADS'ing speed, it has made the gun worse.

                                                                                            *Credits to Path.exe*

Why is it on #5?

The gun is actually pretty amazing and better than most of the Assault Rifles in the game, but it loses against the other guns in this list. that is why it is on the #5.

*Credits to Path.exe*


                                                                                *Credits to iFerg for the best Loadout*

This would be the best Gunsmith Loadout for the Man - O - War. Obviously, You can make your own loadout according to your preferences but this loadout would be an all-rounder. 

#4 QXR

The QXR dominates the #4 Position on the Top 5 Guns list. Although its an SMG, the gun's pretty amazing! With its huge magazine capacity and high rate of fire, this gun dominates the battlefield when at the hands of a skilled player! It has decent damage with a a very high fire rate and manageable recoil, this gun is absolutely amazing! No SMG comes close to this one.

*Credits for Statistics: Hawksnest*

                                                                                        *Credits for Statistics: Hawksnest*


The overall best gunsmith loadout for the QXR is given below:

                                                                                              *Loadout Credit: iFerg*

#3 Locus

Now, this is where things get interesting... Some of you might be thinking what is a Sniper doing in the Top Guns List. And even if there is a Sniper, why isn't it the DLQ 33? This is why the Locus secured the Third Position in the list!

The Locus has an incredible One-Shot Accuracy. With the right attachments equipped, it gives you a kill per shot almost every time when shot on the upper body!

The most dominant feature that makes it better than the DLQ is the less aim shake which makes the gun easier to handle. the Blank Scopes on this weapon are just amazing, and with the quick recovery rate, mind-blowing! When the Locus is at the hands of a Pro Player, the opponent team is done for. It will absolutely give you a kill per shot if you're experienced with Snipers and have a nice aim.

(*Note: If you're a beginner, I highly recommend you use the DLQ 33 instead of the Locus, since the DLQ has high mobility and accuracy, its highly recommended for beginners. The Locus needs to to Master completely.)


                                                                                                    *Loadout Credits: iFerg*

The loadout of the Locus given in the image above is the best of all times! The Stats of the Locus after equipping the same:

Damage -- 104
Accuracy -- 67
Range -- 98
Fire Rate -- 25
Mobility -- 61
Control -- 57

#2 ASM10

This in one word is INSANE! And when I say it, I mean it! It was actually the best gun in the game before it recently got nerfed! It could still be the best gun in the game but now, it doesn't feel quite right. The gun is pretty heavy and not mobile, if you are a fast player, you better not go with this gun. 
Also, this gun is really bouncy and if you're a newbie player and don't know how to control recoil, DON'T use this gun! 

According to the intel we have, I would say it is a great gun from Close to Medium Range at best. 

                                                                                                                  *Image credits; iFerg*

Its 3 shot potential is off the charts and combined with a nice big Magazine, it's amazing!


                                                                                                *Loadout credits: iFerg*

#1 DR-H

Ever since this gun was released, it has always been amazing! 

                                                                                          *Credits for Statistics: iFerg*

                                                                                             *Credits for Statistics: iFerg*

The DR-H has a Pretty Manageable Recoil which makes it not as bouncy as the ASM10 and ideal for newbie players too! This gun also has a 3 shot potential just as the ASM10!

                                                                                            *Credits for Statistics: iFerg*

But the demerit of the DR-H is that its Bullet Spread. It has a very high ADS Bullet Spread, but no worries, we have just the solution for you! Here are the best attachments for low bullet spread:

Here's another loadout in case you're looking for high Mobility and fast ADS'ing Speed:


So, here were the Top 5 guns in Season 13! Hope it helped you out, and at the end, you should always use the gun you're most comfortable with, same goes to the attachments.

Here's the intel we used in this blog!