Guys in this article, you will know about the episode 3 of Attack on Titan : A Dim Light Amid Despair. So please read this article from top to end to know everything about it.

"Grisha... today, your son has become a soldier"

A Dim Light Amid Despair : Humanity's Comeback (Part 1) is the 3rd episode of 1st season of Attack on Titan produced by Wit Studios and Production I.G.


After a brutal introduction to their commandant Keith Sadies, the cadets learn of Eren's past and his dreams. Eren later discovers trouble training with ODM gear, however with some inspiration from his new companions he can conquer his struggle. The commandant later uncovers that his belt was some way or another broken up, and Eren finds no difficulty preparing with functional stuff.


Keith Sadies, the commandant of the 104th Cadet Corps, is psycologically separating the new cadets as a rite of passage to separate them so they can remake them as fighters. As an officer and his attendant pass by, they notice Sadies doesn't expose a couple of cadets to this maltreatment and the official basically takes note of that their expressions separate them from the remainder of the gathering as being present to the fall of Wall Maria two years sooner. These cadets are recognised to be Annie Leonhart, Mikasa Ackermann, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Eren Jaeger and a freckled cadet, however Armin Arlelt is surprisingly not saved.

As their commandant keeps on going down the line, he sees Sasha Braus eating a
potato. Everybody is shocked at her total absence of consideration in eating the potato at that exact moment. As Sadies attempts to understand why she is eating the potato, Sasha divides her potato in half and gives him a piece before he started grinning, saying that they can share it.

Afterward, Eren, Armin, Marco Bodt, Conny Springer, and Mina Carolina watch Sasha do her punishment of running until exhaustion but notice that this punishment didn't upset her as much as when she was told she would not be given any supper. Marco, one of the cadets, recollects that Eren was not fazed and Eren uncovers that he and Armin are from Shiganshina. The remainder of the gathering is surprised and start squeezing Eren for details of the Colossal Titan.

This leads to other cadets swarming around Eren at dinnertime and he portrays the presence of the Colossal and Armored Titan. He gets debilitated as he recollects his mom being eaten so, all in all Marco proposes they at this point don't address Eren and power him to raise things he would prefer not bring back. However, Eren essentially attributes this to excitement to start his preparation and kill all the Titans with the Scout Regiment.

Jean Kirschtein interrupts Eren and taunts his choice to join the Scout Regiment. Eren doesn't value Jean's craving to join the Military Police essentially to live in the inside Walls and the two get ready to battle one another.

The bell indicating the finish of supper rings, breaking the strain and the two drop their conflict with one another. As people leave, Jean gets a brief look at Mikasa and gets stricken with her. He attempts to begin a discussion with her however just figures out how to state that her hair is beautiful.

She recognizes that praise and Jean follows her external where he sees her with Eren. As Mikasa condemns Eren for allowing his feelings to get better of him, Eren comments that Mikasa's hair is excessively long and she starts to think about how short it ought to be. Jean is crushed and wipes his "trust" onto Conny's shirt as he looks on, totally blue. 

Sasha has finished her punishment and tumbles to the ground when she smells food. She naturally snatches it and it is uncovered that Christa Lenz has brought bread for her. As Sasha is for all intents and purposes loving Christa, the freckled cadet stops by and Sasha wolfs the bread down falling asleep from exhaustion. She addresses Christa's intention in encouraging before taking Sasha to her bunk.

The following day, the cadets start rehearsing with the omni-directional mobility gear. Eren absolutely neglects to keep himself consistent and takes extra coaching from Armin and Mikasa, which control the stuff very great, particularly Mikasa. He takes himself out and Mikasa and Armin assist him to recover. At supper, different cadets mock his performance particularly after his promise to kill all Titans.


Back at the quarters, Conny and Jean don't offer any recommendations and Eren goes to Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover for help. Despite the fact that they are hesitant at the first, the gathering change their accounts of how they originally encountered Titans. In the wake of discussing their intentions, Reiner gives Eren a few hints about the stuff and they part as companions.

After a while, Eren is once again at the work on apparatus as Sadies let him attempt to adjust himself on the omni-directional mobility gear one final time before he will be delivered to the landfills. From the start, it shows up Eren can keep up his equilibrium and his friends start cheering, yet similarly as fast, Eren turns over once more. Sadies has him returned on the ground and after a couple of seconds of examination, has Eren switch gear with Thomas Wagner. Eren effectively keeps his equilibrium and Sadies uncovers his stuff was inadequate, intriguing everybody as Eren could keep his equilibrium, in any event, for some time, with the wrecked stuff. 

In the wake of seeing this, Sadies intellectually comments to Eren's dad, Grisha Jaeger, that his child has become an officer. Afterward, Eren is presently ready to stay aware of Mikasa during preparing runs, demonstrating that he has dominated the stuff.


Keith Sadies

Mina Carolina

Armin Arlett

Thomas Wagner


Samuel Linke-Jackson

Eren Jaeger

Anne Leonhart

Mikasa Ackermann

Bertholdt Hoover

Reiner Braun

Jean Kirschtain

Marco Bodt

Conny Sringer

Sasha Braus

Christa Lenz


Hanna Diament

Carla Jaeger

Smiling Titan

To watch the full episode please click on this link :-